Comparing the Best Embroidery Machines
There’s no end to embroidery machine comparisons online. This one is different because it’s focused on business embroidery machines. To help YOU decide which one of the best embroidery machines on the market you’ll choose to launch your embroidery business.
And the one we’ll use as the benchmark, the one all others are compared TO is the brand new Avancé 1201C 12 need a commercial embroidery machine.
But don’t let that word “commercial” scare you. It just means that you mean BUSINESS.
It’s not a home machine, although many embroidery business startups run their store from home. But this latest crop of machines that either ARE designed for business use or pretend to be, is no harder than home machines to use.
And don’t think that a “commercial” embroidery machine is the same as an “expensive” embroidery machine.
Because Avancé 1201C, for example, costs far less than some of the home machines you can find in places like Joan’s Fabrics or your local sewing center.
How to Choose the Right Machine
Try not to skip down to the comparison table of embroidery machines yet!
First, let’s go over a few things that embroidery business owners know, that you should know and be looking for:
Top Embroidery Machine Features Checklist
Size of the Embroidery Field
That’s basically your sewing area, and it determines how large of a design you can embroidery. To give you an example, the very commercial Avancé 15 needle machine has a 22” x 14” field. And the 1201C version we’re comparing here has one that’s 14” x 8”.
Control Panel
That iPad-like device you see attached to the Avancé is important. It not only acts as the interface between you and what you’re sewing, it determines design memory and things like wifi capability.
Number of Colors
A 12-needle machine is how many thread colors you can have installed at one time. Have you ever changed the thread on a home machine? Not fun or quick. It’s even more involved on a multi-needle system. Changing out thread colors 8 times a day is not something a business owner has time for – so # of needles is important.
Training and Support
This might not be a “feature” you would normally consider. But if you plan on running a business and making money with a professional embroidery machine you will have to. Many of the smaller machines we’ll compare are only sold through local sewing centers.
The reason that this is important to consider is that most people think that the best support is the closest support geographically. So, your local sewing center seems ideal, right?
Actually no.
First, your local sewing center is full of people that might know the machines, although the higher-end ones you’re considering are not what they usually sell.
But they’re not specialists.
They’re retail employees that have a LOT to do and a large number of consumer customers to care for.
Getting help there may be fine for family gift projects or the occasional technical question, but they’re not used to supporting someone that’s doing a 60 piece order. A much more urgent need with a LOT more at stake.
A local sewing center likely doesn’t have people dedicated to support and training alone either. They’re running classes, manning the register, or otherwise engaged.
When you purchase from a company like ColDesi – who’s been selling and supporting embroidery BUSINESSES for 2 decades – you have a completely different experience.
The account managers you speak to have helped hundreds of people get started.
The trainers have been key parts of 10+ years of embroidery business startups.
And the support personnel have been in business. They’ve done large runs. They know what it means to get an order out on time.
Startup Professional Embroidery Machines
Below we’ve gathered information on the most popular and most searched for multi-needle embroidery machines.
The comparison table here is a great place to get started on choosing the best embroidery machine for you.
But the best thing you can do is study here, then either chat with or call and talk to one of our professional embroidery machine account managers – they’re professionals that know the business, know machines, and have certainly helped people just like you get started.
Avancé 1201C Monogramming Machine and Embroidery Machine
The Avancé has a few clear advantages here. The first being its status as being the newest in the lineup combined with having ColDesi embroidery machine experience behind it.
ColDesi started in the embroidery and monogramming machine business more than 20 years ago. The staff and developers have embroidery wired into their DNA – and it shows with the advent of this newest Avancé.
12 Needles
the 12-needle number did not happen by accident. The reduced needles from the 1501C allowed for a smaller, lighter weight “head”, while still leaving enough color capability for any pro embroidery shop.
There are 2 ways pro embroidery machine owners take advantage of more needles:
1. Just more colors! The more cones of thread you can put on your machine the fewer times you need to stop and rethread between jobs. That takes time. And reduces the number of potential errors.
2. Different types of needles. Some embroidery and monogramming machine pros will split their needle types so a 12 needle machine acts like having TWO 6 needles. They might have 6 Titanium Sharp Point needles for caps and 75/11 Light Ball Points for another common product they embroider.
[Don’t worry, buyers of the Avancé 1501C AND 1201C get great online embroidery training so you’ll understand the difference]
Large Embroidery Field
The almost 8” x 14” embroidery field is tied for the biggest in this comparison. To get any larger you’ll have to go up to the Avancé 1501C 15 needle machine. A larger embroidery field means you can embroider on larger items. It makes a big difference to your business because you can YES to more jobs, like jacket backs.
Easy Control Panel
10.1”, bright, clear, touch-sensitive control panel just makes this a very simple machine to use. The intuitive interface makes formerly time-consuming tasks a snap.
Tasks like:
- Loading a design
- Assigning thread colors
- Programming stops for applique
WIFI Connectivity
Send designs to your machine from anywhere on your home or office network. Super-fast and convenient.
Design memory is surprisingly important. And the 1201C can store up to 800 designs. Since you access the design memory on the